Saturday, July 4, 2015

County Clerk Resigns Instead of Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses

Following the legalization of gay marriage in America, by the country’s Supreme Court, a county clerk, Linda Barnette, who has issued marriage licenses in Grenada County, Mississippi for 24 years. On Tuesday, resigned – and her reason isn’t far-fetched…

According to, she said:
“I choose to obey God rather than man,” Mrs. Barnette wrote in her one paragraph resignation letter to the Grenada County Board of Supervisors.
“I am a follower of Christ and I believe strongly that the Bible is my final authority,” she wrote. ‘The Bible teaches that a marriage is to be between a man and a woman. Therefore, because of the recent ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, I can no longer fulfill my duties as Circuit Clerk and issue marriage licenses to same sex couples.”
“I told my supervisors a while back if it happened, I would tender my resignation.”
“I had already decided in my heart that I could not issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. It’s my Christian belief. As a follower of Christ, I could not do it. The bible teaches it is contrary to His plan.”
What do you think???

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