Saturday, February 14, 2015

I’m a Sexual Outlaw – Denrele Edun

A lot of you have always wondered if Denrele Edun is gay, well in this very revealing interview with entertainment reporter Ademola Olonilua, the eccentric Denrele tried to answer the question… read below:

How do you dress when you are indoors?
Most times I wear my sister’s T-shirts with regular denim jeans. If the weather is hot and there is no one to turn on the generator for me, I would walk naked round the house. I do that a lot. I also have a long kaftan that has a hood and looks scary, I wear that at home. But I am hardly at home because I always have various engagements to attend. Whenever I get home tired, I just sleep in the clothes I wore out.
People still argue that you are homosexual?
Over time, they have labelled me as a homosexual, heterosexual, bi-sexual, I have been called all sorts of names. When people see that you are successful in the entertainment industry, they try to peddle some negative stories about you. Maybe they call me names because of the way I dress. When I started out and people began calling me such names, I found it very disturbing, annoying, and demeaning but I laugh about it now. When I am asked about my sexuality, I just tell them that I am a sexual outlaw. I don’t think my sexuality should be an issue because I am doing my work very well.
But are you gay?
All I can say to that is that I am a sexual outlaw.
Are you in a relationship?
I am single. I am not going to deny the fact that I am human and I have feelings. I would not say that I have been celibate or lonely because that would be a lie. I am not celibate; however, I am quite principled when it comes to relationships.
God has blessed me and still blessing me, so I would not misuse the privilege of my job to use and dump all the ladies that constantly come my way. Some ladies think that being with me would place them at a certain level and because of that, they throw themselves at me but I do not misuse the privilege I have…
Hmm!!! Sexual outlaw???

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