Saturday, March 14, 2015

Meet Britain’s Most Sadistic Mom

Leaving your children at the mercy of strangers is the worst crime any parent can ever commit – because some of the people can do the most unimaginable things to children as little as 2years old – Here is a very stomach churning report of a foster mom, who made the lives of her foster children a living hell….

The evil woman, Mrs spry, who claimed to be a devout Jehovah’s Witness and had her own daughters Judith and Charlotte, with she loved and pampered, began to show her very dark side, shortly after she was given approval by social services to become a foster mother.
Spry began to haunt her foster children even when they were at school, insisting that they tell no one what was happening to them and ordering them to present a happy appearance to teachers, and when teachers started being more suspicious, Spry decided to relocate to an isolated farm on the edge of the village of Eckington.
Once there and with no one to see what was going on, the abuse worsened with the three children forced to sleep in the barn, while the others, Judith and Charlotte, slept in their own bedrooms in the house.
According to one of the children:
‘Victoria and I lived in an old mobile home, and it had no electric, had no water,’ recalls Mr Spry.
‘We used to use a hose pipe to try and clean ourselves.
‘Half the time, I’d be sleeping out in the field or in the chicken sheds and you’d wake up, and there’d be a rat on your chest.
‘There was very little food, and I used to eat chicken pellets to try and survive.’
The children, given next to nothing to eat by Spry, were always hungry but if they did happen to find food, they would find themselves viciously beaten – When some chocolates went missing, the three found themselves on the end of a particularly violent attack, which saw Spry batter them with a chair leg, and on another occasion, they had sticks thrust down their throats leaving them in so much pain, they would be unable to swallow, Daily Mail reports.
But the worst beating of all was dealt out to the boy among them who, as a 10-year-old boy, was tied by the feet to Spry’s van and dragged at speed across a recently ploughed field, he says:
‘I blacked out multiple times, ‘I was bleeding all over, I kept waking up and I was still being dragged.
‘Then, she just took the rope off the van at the end, and I couldn’t move. We were in the middle of nowhere, there’s no-one to help us, and my siblings came over and dragged me away.
‘I can’t remember the next few days. I was really lucky to survive. I probably should have died, and I’ll tell you what, being dragged around that field, I wish I had.
And for the most senior child, the worst incident came at the age of 14, when she and Spry’s daughters Charlotte and Judith were involved in a fatal car accident and she was the only survivor of the accident, which saw their car crushed between two lorries, and was left first in a coma and then in intensive care for months, but even the hospital was no refuge for the terrified child, with Spry regularly turning up to threaten her with more abuse if she revealed what life on the farm was really like and railing against the twist of fate that had killed her biological daughter but ‘left scum like you alive’.
According to the report:
Shockingly, when Mrs Evans was offered the chance of physiotherapy, Spry turned it down and forced her to stay in a wheelchair for almost two years – even though she was able to walk.
If she tried to get out, she would be beaten. ‘If she saw me even try to get up and walk, she would take the feet pieces off my wheelchair and she would slam them into my shins
Her days of evil came to an end, when one of them got a babysitting job and mixed up with other people 0- and when she interacted with them and found that life could be better, that was when sge agreed to talk to the police… And according to the Judge, Simon Darwell-Smith who told Spry that her 19-year reign of terror was one of the ‘worst I’ve seen in 40 years’, said:
‘Frankly, it’s difficult for anyone to understand how any human being could have even contemplated what you did, let alone with the regularity and premeditation you employed.
Though she was sentenced to 14years in jail, do you think that was enough to measure to her crimes???

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