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TILB Reader Shares His Thoughts on Young Girls Who Date Married Men
Good evening Laila,
I am a regular visitor to your blog, I never comment but whenever I want
to relieve myself of the day's stress or kill boredom I come here. I
was home alone, bored to the bone so I decided to chill out at a local
joint not too far from home.
Sipping my beer slowly and this thought kept flashing through my mind.
Why do married men keep luring our girlfriends to their secret
apartments or hotel rooms? And why do our girlfriends keep falling into
their traps even when we younger men are at least comfortable enough to
take care of them?
I have sometimes seen fiancées of close friends walk into my boss' office and I know what
transpires between them. There was a recent happening where I met my
long lost friend in the company of his fiancée at an hangout and he
introduced the babe as his wife-to-be and the wedding bell will ring
very soon but to my surprise the next day, I looked through my office's
window to see my friend's wife-to-be at the reception waiting to see my
boss. I enquired from the receptionist and I was told she is Oga's
It is now a norm that our girlfriends date married
men. Some it's not for the monetary benefits but our girlfriends just
want adventures. It is now normal to share our girlfriends with married
men. Lest I forgot to mention, we are not broke and can to an extent
comfortably take care of our girlfriends. Though my conclusion ought to
still be an hypothesis, I concluded that 99% of our single ladies have
one time or presently dating a married man.
I have couple of married female friends who complain about how boring
their husbands have become in bed which is a big concern for them.
Whereas there husbands are busy giving their girlfriends the best
adventure in bed.
Like my subject says, I am alone with my thought. Since these married
women's husbands don't have time for them, we the single men whose
girlfriends have been "kolobied" with crazy offers can also go after
their wives and do what they are doing to our girlfriends to their
wives. These women are pleasure-starved though their husbands lavish
them with gifts and money but they lack sexual pleasure.
Just my thought anyways. I am not saying I want to explore it. What do you all think?
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