Friday, November 21, 2014

Eminem vs Iggy Azalea: Another Rap Battle Underway???

First it was Snoop Dogg, now its Eminem, only God knows what this rapper chick, Iggy Azalea has done to these male rappers that make them diss her in turns. Eminem’s recently released song, had some part where he said he would love to rape Iggy, and the female rapper has also replied him (in a tweet):

According to Em, in the song, he said;
“So swallow my pride, you’re lucky just to follow my ride / If I let you run alongside the Humvee / Unless you’re Nicki, grab you by the wrist, let’s ski / So what’s it gon’ be / Put that shit away, Iggy / You don’t wanna blow that rape whistle on me.”
And here is what Iggy had to say on Twitter:
im bored of the old men threatening young women as entertainment trend and much more interested in the young women getting $ trend. zzzz
In another tweet, she said:
its especially akward because my 14 year old brother is the biggest eminem fan and now the artist he admired says he wants to rape me. nice!
And finally she said:
women in music have the bigger balls anyhow we endure much more harassment and critic. good morninnggggg!!!!!! off to camera block for AMAs!
Nice response I think, but What do you think of Eminem’s diss though???

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