Friday, July 10, 2015

6 things Muslims should never do on Twitter

Here’s my guide on how to use Twitter for Muslims.

Knowing that twitter is one of the most used social network by Nigerian youth, it is pertinent to enlighten us all on how to use twitter efficiently without wasting time and ensuring that we don’t make terrible mistakes while using it.
Here’s my guide to Twitter etiquette for Muslims.
Stop and think.Before you press that tweet button, think and reflect on what you are about to tweet. If you really want to tweet. Make sure what you are about to tweet is truthful, harmless and beneficial.
Wrong Islamic adviceIf you are not a scholar, don’t act like one. I don’t want your opinion on issues that have already been agreed upon by the ulama. Keep your opinion to yourself.
Google it! 
If you take 10 seconds to Google (or Bing or Yahoo or whatever) instead of 10 seconds to blindly cut and paste, you’ll save yourself all kinds of embarrassment. It’s important to understand what happens when you tweet content that is untrue or fake: Not only did you just ensure that more people will be able to see it, but you also look really silly
Cyber Bullying/ Hate Speech
Social Media has given people a new platform to post hateful comments and even threats. Don’t ever post about how disgusting a tribe or religion is, it is nauseating.
Information without linksIt’s fine to tell us about a cool website, but include the link, OK?
A Muslim keeps his mouth shut if he doesn’t have anything nice to say. Don’t call anyone stupid or foolish on Twitter, be polite and respectful. A Muslim doesn’t cuss to be “cool” and chooses his words intelligently because he can get his point across better without dropping an f-bomb or an s-missile.
In short, behave on twitter like you would at a social event. No one suspended the rules of polite society for Internet interaction.
Don’t forget the hadith that says “most people that are in hellfire are in there because they couldn’t control their tongue.”  In the Qur’an, God states that he has given man “two lips and one tongue” so the lips can control the tongue. (Surah Al Balad)


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