Friday, July 10, 2015

Christian youth leader arrested for forcing teenage girl to perform sex act on him

The Christian youth leader even asked the girl to arrange a "threesome" which would involve a school friend and her younger sister, who was just 14 at the time

Timothy Storey, 35, of Peckham, is accused of raping the girl Timothy Storey, 35, of Peckham, is accused of raping the girl
(Mirror UK)
Church youth leader has been arrested and charged to court for forcing schoolgirl to perform a sex act on him in his flat, and then told her to get out so he could order takeaway and watch Gladiator.
35-yr-old Timothy Storey who is also an Oxford University theology student was accused of raping the girl, a devout Christian, in a street near a pub when they got off a bus when she was 17-yrs-old.
According to Mirror UK, Storey from Peckham, south London, even asked the girl to arrange a "threesome" which would involve a school friend and her younger sister, who was just 14 at the time, Woolwich Crown Court heard.
Speaking through tears from behind a screen, the woman, now 25, said: "It was like he had me in a spider's web. There was no direction where I could turn where I wasn't somehow being affected by him.
"He had me trapped and I knew that if I didn't do what he wanted me to, I wouldn't get the good things."
Storey denies two counts of rape and one of assault by penetration against the woman, along with two charges of rape against a second, and one count of sexually grooming a 13-year-old girl.
Storey, 35, appeared at Woolwich Crown Court Storey, 35, appeared at Woolwich Crown Court
(Mirror UK)

Reports say the court heard Storey spent years manipulating the teenager after meeting her through a church in London, showering her with such flattery and praise that she grew infatuated with him and he became "more influential than God" to her.
But the jury at Woolwich Crown Court was told he could be "two different men", and that behind his charm was a sexual desire that saw him repeatedly force himself on her.
On one occasion, the girl stopped at his house after being caught in a downpour to ask if she could change into dry clothes.
While he opened the door she saw the familiar "flash in his eyes that showed me that he was aroused".
After she went in to the toilet to change he went in and ordered her to perform a sex act on him, unbuttoning his trousers.
She told him "many times" that she did not want to, but "he kept saying, 'Yes you will do it, yes you will do it'."
She added: "I didn't want to be doing it. I was in a small room with a man I was scared of and I didn't want to be there."
He also allegedly sexually assaulted her before telling her to leave so he could watch a film and eat a Chinese takeaway.
Asked how clear she had been when refusing advances, she said: "Very clear. I said no."
The trial continues.

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