Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Video shows foreigners fighting alongside terrorists

The foreigners are said to hold positions of power in the sect and also fight alongside the Nigerian members.

Boko Haram terrorists  Boko Haram terrorists
Video footage taken from conquered Boko Haram camps has reportedly confirmed that some members of the sect are foreigners.
The foreigners are said to hold positions of power in the sect and fight along the Nigerian members, according to Reuters.
“They (foreigners) carry arms and fight alongside the other terrorists. They are also experts and trainers,” a senior military source, who chose to remain anonymous, revealed.
The military has said that it is examining the video footage to identify the fighters and study the inner workings of the group.
Reports also have it that the Nigerian government has employed the services of foreign mercenaries, mostly South Africans, to aid the battle against the sect.

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