May 29th has
come and gone. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is now a former president, and
Nigeria’s prevalent electricity crisis is no longer his headache. The
problem is now wholly owned by Muhammadu Buhari, the new President of
the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed
Forces. Thus far, Buhari has started on a good note, declaring in his
inaugural speech that “Careful studies are under way during this
transition to identify the quickest, safest and most cost-effective way
to bring light and relief to Nigerians.”
Clearly, President Buhari is inheriting dizzying catalogues of crisis on
all fronts. However, considering the importance of electricity in
national development as well as human life, the new government cannot
afford the luxury of an extended study or any level of presidential
honeymoon in the area of the current energy crisis.
There is an urgent need for immediate solution.
Truth be told, while it can be very apt to equate the past Jonathan
government with every failure to proffer practical solutions in many
areas, the team can hardly be faulted for the failure to identify and
echo the problems. Thus, the last official press conference granted by
the former Minister of Power, Prof. Chinedu Nebo, on the electricity
crisis is very instructive. In his words, “Energy security must be
addressed in a holistic manner…The first phase of the war has to do with
the issue of gas pipeline vandalism and it may interest you to know
that millions of dollars are spent fixing these gas pipelines on a
monthly basis.”
The point is that, even as the existing energy policy is fraught with
various challenges, the situation no longer requires a rocket scientist
to discern that the most immediate is that gas pipelines to Nigeria’s
main feed to the National Power Grid are constantly being vandalized
particularly along the Trans Forcardos and Escravos-Lagos axis.
A corpus of research has pegged the main cause of pipeline vandalism to
restless youths who are agitated because of a long history of neglect of
host communities. The area is replete with high unemployment, abject
poverty, inadequate social amenities, and environmental hazards. Various
governments responded by establishing agencies, such as Niger Delta
Basin Development Authority (NDBDA), Niger Delta Development Commission
(NDDC), and Niger Delta Ministry. However, despite billions of dollars
in annual budget, the programs are mired in all manners of controversy,
including massive corruption, phantom projects, and gross neglect of the
intended beneficiaries.
Unlike in the past, the issue of pipeline vandalism requires every sense
of urgency and decisiveness. It is time to view the matter with similar
lens as in an act of war. Not only has the current electricity crisis
cost thousands of lives directly or indirectly, it has also resulted to
billions of dollars more of incalculable loss to the national economy.
Further, depending on the index of measurement, several studies have
cited the linear cost of the sabotage anywhere from $7 to $24 billion
per annum. Moreover, the pattern of vandalism and attendant epileptic
power supply has historically discouraged both local and foreign
investment in Nigeria. The objective fact is that the incessant
vandalism of energy assets is a serious threat to national security and
potentially worse than the Boko Haram menace terrorizing the country.
Accordingly, President Buhari should without any delay isolate the
problem and inaugurate a presidential task force on Pipeline Vandalism.
Such task force should include but not limited to some influential
representatives from Niger Delta and other host communities. With new
faces expected soon at the helm of the Niger Delta Ministry, the host
communities can be reassured by also effecting necessary changes to the
leaderships of both NDBDA and NDDC commonly associated with corruption
and ineptitude.
In the process, the president should demonstrate the common sense
leadership that has eluded Nigeria for ages. Buhari’s unique pedigree,
the manner of his second coming, and charming political goodwill have
combined to position him better than anyone in the national history to
effectively influence followers towards the desired change. Influence!
Now is the time to lead by influencing the people of the host
communities with a clear message that crystallizes the impact of
pipeline vandalism, sincerity of purpose, and the implications for the
greater good.
The measures above should go in tandem with practical solutions. Of
course, a permanent solution to pipeline vandalism ought to include 100%
digital surveillance systems, but such approach requires longer time to
install. Thus, the “quickest, safest and most cost-effective way” to
curb the problem, at the interim, is to deploy with immediate effect
Nigeria’s armed forces to fully safeguard every pole in the breadth and
depth of the problematic areas along the Trans Forcardos and
Escravos-Lagos axis of the pipelines. The phalanx can be augmented with
ever-ready labour from the National Youth Service Corps or the other
teeming unemployed graduates who are eager to work. The recurring costs
of fixing the pipelines, current security, and other contingencies are
well adequate to fund this proposal. The ancient idea of entrusting
recreant militants with the nation’s oil and gas pipelines was never a
solution in the first place.
Next, unlike the case of oil pipelines, there are no visible benefits to
the perpetrators of gas pipeline vandalism themselves. The most likely
justification is a possible conspiracy within the electric generator
industry whose businesses thrive upon any drop on power supply. The
other scheme resides within the maintenance structure that gulps about
N1.5 billion per year for fixing vandalized pipelines. But these
conspiracy theories have lingered for far too long. The cabals are well
known. Their activities are traceable. It is time to unmask and met them
with commensurate punishment once and for all.
Also important, similar to other countries of the world, Nigeria has in
place specific anti-sabotage laws that address punishment for vandalism
and conspiracy in the oil and gas sector. But a major Nigerian problem
had been the absence of a leader with the will power to enforce the
laws. This was exactly where and why Nigerian masses beckoned Muhammadu
Buhari back to power. The president must seize the moment and work with
relevant agencies to ensure that culprits face the full wrath of the
Yet, I pity Muhammadu Buhari here. True. Given his background, any
mention of war or mere emphasis on punishment in relation to his
presidency is sure to awaken critics who are anxious to castigate such
notion as a perpetual vestige of the man’s military regime, serially
discredited during the past election.
But Mr. President should not waver. Buhari does not need to be reminded
that his impeccable track record against indiscipline remains the prime
seal of his contract with the Nigerian masses. Moreover, not only is
leadership contingent upon the prevailing environment, effective
democracies are consistent with accountability, checks and balances and,
of course, consequences. A mere tampering of electric meter in the
State of Texas, USA, for instance, is treated as a felony let alone any
threat to national security like the endemic sabotage of oil and gas
pipelines. Where there are no serious consequences for bad behaviours,
the bad behaviours usually worsen. And that has been the Nigeria’s
Achilles’ heel for the longest time.
by Dr. SKC Ogbonnia
Dr. Ogbonnia is the Chairman of First Texas Energy Corporation
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